Thursday, August 09, 2007

Major differences between ATTAIN and EETT

Both ATTAIN and EETT require that 2% of the grant be used towards evaluation and 3% may be used for state administrative costs. Of the remaining 95%, 60% will be earmarked for formula-based (entitlement) awards. (EETT currently allows states to decide how much, if any, of the 95% will be placed into formula-based grants...for the last two years, CT has assigned 30% to entitlement.) Each formula-based award will be no less than $3,000, which will be mean a substantial increase for numbers of districts. Professional development requirements will increase from 25% to 40% for the formula-based awards. Competitive awards will continue the 25% requirement for pd.

Are you a teacher looking for a grant?

Creative teachers and entire schools that effectively integrate technology technology into their curriculum should apply for one of the BestBuy grants. Individual teachers can apply for $2000 and your school may apply for a $10,000 grant. Deadline for proposals is September 30, 2007.

BestBuy has given out over $14 million in the last few years...what have you got to lose? Download an application an apply now!

Monday, August 06, 2007

ATTAIN (EETT replacement) is now in the Senate

SETDA is pleased to announce that the ATTAIN Act was introduced in the Senate late on Friday, August 3rd. Senators Bingaman (D-NM), Burr (R-NC), and Murray (D-WA) co-sponsored the bill. Building upon EETT and data from several research studies, the bill focuses on the integral role of educational technology in systemic school redesign and professional development for core curricular areas.

Urgent Action Needed on SKILLs Act

On Thursday, August 2, Representatives Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) and Vernon Ehlers (R-MI) sent a Dear Colleague letter asking Members of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 2864, The Strengthening Kids' Interest in Learning and Libraries or SKILLs Act.

The SKILLs Act:

* Requires school districts, to the extent feasible, to ensure that every
school within the district employs at least one highly qualified school
library media specialist in each school library;

* Defines highly qualified school library media specialists as those who have a bachelor's degree and have obtained full state certification as a school library media specialist or passed the state teacher licensing examination, with state certification in library media in such state;

* Establishes as a state goal that there be at least one highly qualified school library media specialist in every public school no later than the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year;

* Broadens the focus of training, professional development, and recruitment activities to include school library media specialists;

* Ensures that funds will serve elementary, middle, and high school students; and

* Requires books and materials to be appropriate for and engage the interest of students in all grade levels and students with special learning needs, including English language learners.

Urgent Action needed: This legislation is critical to the future of school library media specialists. Please contact your Representative immediately and ask them to co-sponsor the SKILLs Act.

Contact our CT Senators and your Representative @
For more information visit
Visit ALA Washington Office's Legislative Center at

CECA / CEMA Joint Conference 2007

Preparing Students for the Conceptual Age: A Regional Conference for 21st Century Learners

Connecticut Convention Center, Hartford, CT; Tues., Oct. 23, 2007
Early Registration Deadline: September 21, 2007

Keynotes by Dr. Henry Lee and Will Richardson
Presentations by Kathy Schrock, Robin Brenner, Gary Price, and 75 others.

EETT Federal Update

On July 17, 2007 the House passed the Labor, HHS and Education Appropriations for FY08 by a vote of 276-140, approximately 14 votes shy of the number needed to override a likely Presidential veto. EETT remains are $272 millison in this version. The Senate will not move its version of this bill until after August, possibly not until October.